Understanding Racism, Building Racial Equity in Greenbelt: Educational Series for White People

Greenbelt Racial Equity Alliance invites white Greenbelters to participate in a free, interactive, three-part workshop that covers how racism and white supremacy function, their foundation in the U.S., and the role of white people in building racial justice and supporting liberation movements led by Black, Indigenous and other Peoples of Color (BIPOC). As a way of understanding how racism operates, we will look at Greenbelt’s history of housing discrimination and its impact on our community today.

This workshop is being directed to white people because many Black leaders, organizers, and educators — including Greenbelters — have called on white people to educate ourselves and take action. We invite you to bring your curiosity and willingness to struggle with difficult issues that might make you uncomfortable. We will cultivate an environment of openness and encouragement to stretch our thinking and our commitment.

Dates: Saturdays, February 20, March 6 and March 20
Time: 1:30pm to 4:00pm
Held via Zoom

Register at: tinyurl.com/38ut9vkj
Registration is limited to 12.
Contact: greenbeltracialequity@gmail.com

Note: It is impossible to do justice to understanding racism and white people’s role in building equity in 7.5 hours. This series will provide an overview, food for thought, and resources for continuing life-long anti-racism learning and practice.

Facilitator bios:

  • Cynthia Newcomer has done anti-racism work for 30 years, organizing in national and state non-profits and community groups as a staff member and volunteer. She has facilitated intensive racial equity workshops for white people for over five years and is a founding member of Greenbelt Racial Equity Alliance.
  • Patrick McGann, PhD, Director of Strategy & Planning for Men Can Stop Rape, has conducted trainings across the country for more than 20 years on topics such as rape and racism, healthy masculinity, and bystander intervention.